Thursday, August 22, 2013

Where have I been?


Not like you would care anyways.

Okay so these past couple of days I have been busy!! Today is the first day I've actually had a break. I've been running back and forth from the school for a club I'm in called the SCA (Student Council Association. Sounds official, doesn't it?). Oh my goodness this club is wearing my down and the school year hasn't even begun yet! But anyways we just finished up an event and I had such a blast. I was a little nervous because I'm very shy so I knew I'd probably distance myself from the other members. It was actually the total opposite! The first day I kept to myself but when the second day rolled around, I was so excited and ready to mingle! They're really great people. I enjoyed every single minute and I can't wait until our next event (which is next week. yippe!!!!).

But anyways I received my schedule for this school year and booooy am I happy. I'm taking almost every class I wanted (minus like 2). I signed up for classes all the way from psychology to ceramics. Interesting, right? This year is already starting off good. For once I don't feel lonely. LOL. Maybe this year I won't be so quick to push people away? Who knows! I still have tons to do before the first day in two weeks..yup I said TWO weeks. Wowowow this feels so surreal. Okay before I start yappin' I'll go.



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