Saturday, September 14, 2013

SLUT SHAMING! + school update

Omfg I am like so upset right now!

If you could see me right now you would probably crack up at the expression on my face. I am beet red my eyes are puffy from crying and I just want to punch something! I just got into a heated argument with my mom about slut shaming / victim blaming. She believes that if you dress provocatively or "show off your goodies" that you deserve whatever comes your way. But this is sooooooooo wrong on sooooooooooo many levels. It doesn't matter what you wear no one has the right to SEXUALLY ASSAULT / RAPE you!!!!!!!

This is such a disgusting ideal that society has embraced into a big fat bear hug! Like I simply cannot understand when and where in the hell RAPING someone is acceptable because of what they were wearing. It sickens me to my stomach that people think like this. I can't believe my own mother thinks like this. Whenever I hear someone say something like this I look at them in a totally different light. What if it was them who got raped or sexually assaulted? I'm pretty sure they wouldn't say "Well I was wearing some pretty tight jeans...and I did have on a really low cut shirt". HELL NO! They'd be ANGRY! They'd feel VIOLATED!

Women need to stop embracing this ideal of slut shaming. It could have been you! Or me who got raped by those 5 guys or by that guy who thought my friendly smile was an invitation for penetration (wrong time to point this out but I totally didn't realize that would rhyme). We need to start sticking up for our friends, cousins, sisters, etc. instead of saying "What did she have on?" or "How drunk was she?". We need to get angry and put a STOP TO THIS DISGUSTING WAY OF THINKING!!!!!!

Okay I just gave myself a massive headache with all of that ranting. I probably should do a school update in a different post but ahh I'm too lazy and after this I'm going to go sleep this headache away.
Anywaysss...Second week update. Nothing much happened in school this week except it was "Back to school spirit week". I had a lot of fun dressing up all the way from tye-dye day to blue and gold day (except I didn't go to school on Friday so I didn't participate.) Anyways this week was pretty boring. Had tons of tests and quizzes. Ugh junior year. Already some drama is occurring but I'll save all those juicy deats for another day. Ahh that's it. Still upset with mama bearr (yes I call my mother that. mind ya buisness) so I don't feel like elaborating anymore on this past week. Ugh goodnight.

Lonelygirl411 pissed off....and out!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

School Update!!

C/O 2015...ummm YES MA'AM!

Wow..Where do I start? This week went by lighting quick! I'm trying to recollect everything that happened..Okay lets start with the first day.

  • First Day: 
                 Well I had to go to school hella early (ugh) to help with getting the freshmans settled in.  It was frustrating trying to give those kids directions. But anyways I was so excited to get to my first block because I missed my favorite teacher! Mrs.B****n! (Sorry can't put her name) Anyways I had her last year and she was such an awesome teacher. She actually made me interested in American literature. I left honors english just so I could have her again. Yup it was worth it. Moving on...oh second block was alright. I was forced to sit at a table with a bunch of ghetto people who love to talk (Which is bad for me. Why? Because I don't like talking to strangers.). My marine biology teacher is pretty nice. He just talks alot...and always asks me to pass out papers(-.-). Umm third block is TERRIBLE! I don't even want to talk about that. On the brightside I have lunch with ALL of my friends. Ugh yesssss! Fourth block is pretty good. My teacher was crazy as hell! She screams and changes her voice and its frightening LOL.

  • Second Day:
                   Same as the first day minus the freshman part! Oh and I wore my New York Giants t-shirt which sparked some conversations between me and a couple boys in my second block (whoa awkward much?). GIANTS ALL DAY!

  • Third Day:
                   I dressed up and actually decided to be pretty. I wore my kitty tank w/ a black cardigan. Some light blue denim jeans with rips in them and some black sandals. I put my curly hair up in a high-pony-puff. I felt really pretty and I got tons of compliments on my hair. Maybe I'll do that once a week...LOL yea right. Omg and I realized how cute this boy in my second block is. Well he's not cute...he's hella HANDSOME. I mean I wouldn't mine waking up to that everyday. Or getting a kiss from those juicy lips. I need to calm down. It's to early for me to have another "Tyler". Anyways third block finally started getting better! Thank you Lawd Jesus! Like not only am I understanding the work but I'm also starting to like the steps though.

  • Fourth Day: FRIDAAAAAAY!
                     Um this had to be the best Friday I can remember in awhile. First off I had Chick-Fil-A. It was sooooooooooooooooo good! Then I had an awesome first block! When second block came around I was just giddy with joy. I was about to sit down and get my books out when I saw my close friend come walking in. At first I thought she might've forgot something but then my teacher said "We have a new student". I almost screamed out to the heavens with joy! As soon as he walked away I walked over to her and we hugged for a good minute. My classmates probably think I'm gay. But anyways I was like " OHMIIIIIGOD!" and we started talking in funny accents. I missed her so much. *sigh*. Oh and the cute boy I was talking kept looking at was my bummy day so idk if he thought I looked cute or hideous. Anyways by the time third block rolled around nothing could ruin my 'high'. I zoomed through all my work and tuned out the ghetto kids! When I was walking to my fourth block I saw my old crush (no, not Tyler. Shocking, right?) and he gave me a hug. I damn near fainted! Like could this day get any better? And it did! SCA is selling these things called 'Entertainment Books'. Nobody buys them but guess who bought one? MY TEACHER! I seriously felt like the whole day had been a dream and my alarm was gonna go off at any minute and I was gonna wake up and have a terrible day. Nope. It was all real.

So that's how my first week went. It was sooo good. I am seriously praying for a school year full of days like these. I will be back when more drama..or thoughts occur.

Lonelygirl411 OUT!

Monday, September 2, 2013

First Day Jitters!

Ahh school is tomorrow.. 

And I've got a terrible case of bad nerves.


Okay so I know like a couple days back I was so excited for the school year to begin..I still am but I'm just nervous about having to meet new people. I'm not good in social situations at all so how the heck am I supposed to get through the first day???????? I want to hide under a rock.

And to top off all of my bad nerves I have tons to do today! I'm literally speed typing right now because I have to get my hair done, get my nails done, go last minute school shopping and then head over to my aunts house for a cook out! This is the only time I'll get to vent about my jitters. NO ONE UNDERSTANDS! ugh rock. please. i would like one large rock. one very very large rock.

First days are the worst....and short blog posts.

Stupid jitters (can I just say how funny that word is haha) 
mmmk byeeeeeee